How much is your health worth to you?

How much is your health worth to you?

How important is a long ‘health’ span to you as you age?

What are you doing about that right now?

‘The benefit of youth is wasted on the young’ is the classic phrase. But prioritising your health and fitness throughout your life helps to keep you fitter and healthier right into your later years.

This doesn’t have to mean turning into a regular gym bunny, but by all means feel free to join up here:

But are you active? EVERYDAY?

How much do you move? When was the last time your heart rate was elevated for 20-60mins?

Your body responds to the stimulus you give it. If that is inactivity you get used to being inactive and your system won’t be ready to go! Like and abandoned building left uncared for to the elements. It degrades and breaks down over time.

Prioritise the health of your building, move your body, raise your heart rate regularly, monitor your movement and stick to it.

Your body will respond in kind and get used to this new stimulus, beginning you for more. Improving your health span and the way you live and enjoy your life.

Comment, get in touch, ask questions, we are here to help if you need any advise on how you can increase and improve your everyday activity, small changes really do matter.