Truth Bomb!

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Inspired by a conversation I had with a client yesterday.

Have you ever heard the comment, ‘I eat as much as I want and never gain weight!’

Thought so.

This little comment has, I’m sure, made many of you reading this feel like there is never any justice in the world!

As it is usually said my someone who has always been within a healthy BF% range.

Well they are talking shite!

What they have been able to achieve is intuitively eat an energy level that maintains their weight.

This includes nights out and parties, will be achieved over time and therefore balanced out as large swings in fat mass levels do not happen quickly.

If they do NOT monitor their intake, they have instinctively been able to keep their energy in balanced with their energy out. It’s as simple as that.

And if they did consistently overeat, they would put weight on, it can’t not happen. There are no instances of someone consistently overeating and not gaining weight.

Let’s assume for a min they were overeating and not putting on weight, they would enter into the same category of non-existence as Unicorns and we would kidnap them and put them in a lab for study! (Lads YouTube ‘crazy hot matrix’ some very useful relationship advice right there).

So… Ignore anyone who makes that dumbass statement, as it is not true. What skill they do have, is to eat when hungry, stop when full and keep it in line with their activity levels.

Not easy to achieve for many, but they are not some marvel of nature.

Conversely, anyone who says they ‘hardly eat anything and just can’t lose weight!’ is also talking shite!

No-one eats very little and does not lose weight.

This is a case if individuals kidding themselves or not understanding the level of calories they are eating and how easy it is to over do it. Especially if you are working a sedentary job and do not have a high NEAT.

Be brutally honest with yourself about the amount of food you are actually consuming and educate yourself on the calorie content of the foods you are eating, is what’s needed here.

As is monitoring your calorie intake against how much you are actually moving and charting the response that has on your body.

Yes, you need to become a student of your own nutrition & activity and how that affects your composition, because the lack of study has put you in a place where your health is potentially at risk!

Again, if it was the case where individuals were eating very little and not losing weight, they need placing in the Unicorn category and studying.

Be honest with yourself, make small positive changes and do them consistently.

The progress can be amazing!


Target Active Fitness is a Tewkesbury based Gym, Personal Training Studio and Nutrition Centre. Teaching first rate, no nonsense, gimmick-free Exercise & Wellbeing.