Do you comment on another persons physique?

It’s interesting how we perceive each other and how we look.

In the last few days I have been called skinny, disappearing, or similar and told not to lose anymore weight no less that 4, might be 5 times, all by different people.

And I find it interesting because as you can see my weight has averaged at around 92kg since before Christmas.

Comp shot was taken this morning.

So what’s the point. And let me be clear I’m not looking for opinions on whether I am too skinny or not.

Read on!

Thankfully, everyone that has said something to me I know well, and while they felt comfortable commenting about me being too skinny, would they feel as comfy telling me if I’d gained too much?

Personally I hope they would. But I’m not sure if they would.

As a society, we seem far more at ease commenting if we perceive our friends and loved ones have taken weight loss too far, but not when it goes the other way and weight is gained

And let’s be clear. Both are detrimental to health.

So what can we do about it?

Well I say if you are okay commenting at one end of the spectrum you should also look to comment at the other end and be prepared to help in any way you can.

You and your children are far more likely to be overweight than they are to be under and with so many struggling with being over fat, is it time to have more open and honest conversations with those close to us about their food habits and activity? Instead of worrying about being insulting and wait for the doctor to mention it.

If you are commenting from a position of care and a genuine willingness to help, have at it!

When done sensitively, I’m sure they’d prefer to have you say something because you care and want to help, than let them carry on with habits that can cause so many health issues.

If they are happy as they are, they will tell you and you can leave it well alone. But they also might be silently suffering, wanting some help and stuck about what to dco about it.