Better health Let’s do this!

I saw the NHS ‘Better Health – Let’s do this!’ advert the other day. Watch it above! 

And I have to say, I like it! 

It may be a late wake up call and it may be the campaign BOJO is running is a long time coming, mainly due to his own breaks being applied…

But this is the right time to start hitting the health of the nation hard.

I like the message – good health matters. 

‘Excess weight adds pressure and makes it harder to fight disease.’ 

These things we already know, but I like the commentary the ad brings… 

‘Wake up, get up, shake up, SLIP up, TRIP and go again!’

Because you won’t get this right all the time. 

There will be ‘Bumps in the road’ – see what I did there!! And you have to ‘Go Again’ 

The time to start is right now, don’t wait… 

Follow the ads advice and make a start, even mistakes on the way to a healthier you are better than not doing anything. 

So make like the Advert… 

‘Wake up’ it is never too late! And there is no need to wait! 

Your health span (the length of time you are in good health) is far more important to prioritise than your lifespan… 

Because with good health, life is long and fun… But with shit health!!!???

Well, book me a ticket to Switzerland! 

Big Luv 
