Carb cycling What’s it all about!

Lets talk about Carbs! 

Yummy! I love Carbs… 

In all forms! My temple… I mean body, loves them too! 

And you may have heard the term Carb Cycling when it come to Sports performance and also when it comes to weight loss! 

Well this email is going to focus on the weight loss side! 

In a nut shell Carb cycling is rotating your carbs through high days and low days, in a protocol that suits you! 

Simple as that! 

Now then, in my opinion, cycling carbs for athletes has some merit. But that’s not what this post is about. 

Cycling carbs for fat loss has NO merit! 

All fat loss occurs with a calorie deficit. So guess what happens if you go low carb on a day and keep fat and protein the same? 

Your total energy is down, therefore weight loss occurs! The same would happen if you go low fat, or low protein! 

It is not the cycling of carbs that is the deciding factor on weight loss, the calorie deficit is! 


IF you like cycling your carbs and you are losing weight, fine, have at it! Progress is progress. 

But don’t be under the illusion its anything other than lower calories that is the catalyst. 

You don’t need to cycle carbs to lose weight. What you do need is a calorie deficit!