Let us be the drill Sergeant… You do the drills!

Okay… so only on occasion are we going to act like the Drill Sergeant from F.M.J!

And generally it’s when you’re completing ‘Death by burpees’ and are still going when I’ve dropped out!!

I like training with other people and perform better when with a gym buddy or small group.

With that comes encouragement and advice about form, posture and range of motion, that is really helpful.

But only when the person giving it actually knows what they are talking about!  

You see, just because you go to the gym and have a little experience, doesn’t then qualify you to ‘coach’ the exercise, so care is needed. 

There is a way to do it! We tend to focus on the most important element of the move first, then progress. 

Not overload with many many points, every time the reps is attempted, which only serves to confuse! 

It’s the same with nutrition! 

What is the main focus? 

Get that started and bedded in first, then look to move on! 

If someone is over-eating and therefore getting over-fat, they need a kcal deficit. 

That’s the starting point! Worry about the nutritional density of their food later! 

Gradual sustainable steps are the way to go here. And that is a role of a coach! 

Your gym buddy may mean well, but you could probably do with some ‘professional’ advice, to at least get you on the right path. 

So pick a pro and get in the know!!!