Inspired by vs Aspire to…

These terms seem to be very closely related to the point there might seem to be not much difference. 

But there is a distinction that is quite important when it comes to your mindset. 

And it is linked to the definition of those words:

Aspire – direct one’s hopes or ambitions towards achieving something.
Inspired – of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse

Let’s break that down. 

Both definitions are have massively positive outlook. Great! 

However the difference comes, in a training context, when you attend the gym with your peers.

Are you looking at your gym buddies and ‘Aspiring’ to be like them. To lift like them, to look like them, to be as lean, as muscular, or perform as they do. To be able to achieve what they can achieve. 

Or do you look at your gym buddies and feel inspired to be the best version of yourself. To set your own goals and achieve them, to use your gym bro to spur on your own achievements, whether or not they are ‘better’ than theirs or not. 

Inspiration comes from work ethic and attitude just as much as it does from ability.  

Are you being ‘Inspired’ by your gym buddies, setting your own targets and ‘Aspiring’ to achieve them?

Or are you only ‘Aspiring’ to be like your mates, assuming that when you can lift the same as them you will have somehow ‘arrived!’ 

To Aspire to be like someone else is never going to happen and seems ultimately to leave you unfulfilled. Gather inspiration from them and aspire to your own achievements.

This is not a competition with others, compete with yourself. 

Be ‘Inspired’ and then ‘Aspire’…. To just ‘Aspire’ to be like someone isn’t a goal you should be trying to achieve!

Being the best you is!