WTF Is this!

I saw an advert for this seated elliptical the other day for the 1st time.

‘Get fit while you sit!’

‘Experts agree sitting is the new smoking!’

‘Burns up to 85% more calories than sitting’

Just watch the vid! They say all this crap in there! 

I agree movement is medicine! But I’m not sure this qualifies! 

I nearly soiled myself with the ‘get fit while you sit comment!!’

This is not too dis-similar to the joke pic we all saw about sitting at a treadmill and peddling your legs!!! 

You know.. this guy!

What’s the difference?

Crap like this on the market really does put the fitness industry to shame! 

And is just out there to try and earn a quick buck! 


If you are struggling to walk there are some serious issues and I’m pretty sure this arse gravy product is not gonna help, when you could be getting in a pool and doing some water based activity! 

Furthermore, you need to be performing weight bearing exercises, like walking, not having them demonised because you are overweight or elderly! 

Get out there and get moving, up a hill, in a pool, stand up while ‘sorting out’ the misses, raise the HR a little and generate a bead of sweat or two! 

Let’s face it! 

Getting fit while you sit is like pissing in the bath! 

I don’t know why! 

It just is!